Friday, September 7, 2018

In a world where danger lies behind every click...

As a former SCCM admin, I spent countless hours trying to make sure all the machines in my environment were patched and as secure as possible. That was a Herculean feat ten years ago and the changes in attack vectors have changed dramatically that things aren't much better today than they were back then.

But yesterday, Windows Defender Advanced Threat Protection got an amazing new feature in that is designed to help you stay more aware of the vulnerabilities in your environment

This feature is called Threat Analytics - a set of interactive reports on significant and emerging attack campaigns that fuses organizational risk analytics with threat intelligence.

When a new major event, such as the zero day or other major outbreak, occurs - the WDATP research team publishes a special threat analytics report with data about the event that allows the customer to see:
  • An overview of the zero day or exploit
  • If they are currently at risk (mitigation status) 
  • If they are affected by someone exploiting this zero day (machines with alerts)
  • Get recommendation of actions they need to take

This robust tool gives security teams real-time information that helps them understand the nature of the threat and evaluates impact on their environment. Threat Analytics also provides recommendations and guidance on how to contain the threat.

#wdatp #microsoftadvocate